

Ankole (Mbarara) District was founded in 1901. The abolition of Ankole federal and kingdom government in 1967, gave rise to Mbarara District Local Government (MDLG).


Masaka was Uganda’s second biggest town for a long time, today this status has changed as it was largely destroyed in the liberation war of 1979 and again in the 1981-1986 civil war which removed Obote 2 from power.


Kampala is the capital city of Uganda, this is where most of Uganda safaris begin. With a population of 1,208,544 (2002), it is the largest city in Uganda. It is located in the district of Kampala at 0°19’N, 32°35’E, at 1,190 m (3,900 ft) above sea level.


Jinja is the second largest town in Uganda in East Africa, and it is about four thousand miles from London. It is on the shores of Lake Victoria, near the source of the River Nile, which flows North all the way to the Mediterranean. 


Entebbe city is the location of Uganda’s international airport. It is an entry point for all who are flying in for Uganda safaris. The drive to or from Kampala is about an hour.

Ssese Island

Ssese Island came into existence about 12000 years ago. This was when a tectonic shift caused an elevated basin situated between two main arms of the Great Rift Valley to flood. This resulted into the formation of the Lake Victoria as we know it today