
Is Madagascar Safe for Tourists?

Madagascar was made popular from the Disney Pixar film. You may thus be thinking of a Madagascar safari and at the back of your mind the question is Madagascar safe is popping up. It is time to go for it. This giant African island is beautiful, diverse and just perfect for adventures

Know Before You Go To Madagascar

Do I need a Visa for Madagascar? This is one of those frequently asked questions. Everyone must have a visa to travel to Madagascar. If you are traveling as a tourist and plan to stay for fewer than 30 days, you can obtain a visa upon arrival at the airport.

Visa For Madagascar

Before choosing a destination visa rule is among the things you go to look up. Do I need a visa for Madagascar? That is the question that will linger in you head once you chose to go.

Best Time To Visit Madagascar

Madagascar is a superb destination, it matters not what you want to see. From unique wildlife, amazing landscape, friendly people to the beautiful tropical beaches. But the best time to visit Madagascar will depend on your interest.

Things to Do in Madagascar

If you are looking for things to do in Madagascar, then you are in the right place. This is because Madagascar is the fourth largest Island in the world. The island has endemic flora and fauna. You will find untouched tropical beaches here in Madagascar.